Changes in Renta Norwegian country management
Kato Stien, country manager of Norway, has informed the Company that he has decided to leave Renta for a leading position in another employer. Leif-Martin Drange, current CFO of Renta AS, will take over CEO of Renta AS/country manager position today. Leif-Martin keeps on holding his CFO position for the time being. Kato’s employment at Renta will expire on the 31st of October. Meanwhile he will assist Leif-Martin with his new tasks.

“I respect Kato’s decision, although I would have preferred to see him continue his successful career within Renta. I warmly thank Kato for his excellent contribution to the development of this Group and wish him success in his future endeavours. I also wish good luck and success to Leif-Martin with his new challenging tasks.”, says Renta Group’s CEO Kari Aulasmaa.
Kato Stien has worked as CEO of Renta AS (former Flexleie) 7 years. Leif-Martin Drange has been working with Flexleie and Renta since 2002. He was appointed to CFO when Renta entered to Norway.
Vantaa, 16.10.2020
Renta Group Oy
Further information:
Kari Aulasmaa, CEO of Renta Group,
tel. +358 40 511 64455