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Our company strives to maintain a transparent business climate and high business ethics. We value the safety and respect of everyone affected by our business. You have a vital role in our success.

We want to do what is right

We want to maintain openness and trust in Renta’s operations. We are committed to conduct business ethically, with integrity and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

We want to prevent misconducts and unethical behaviour and therefore we encourage Renta’s employees and stakeholders to report any suspected misconducts or unethical behaviour.

Renta’s whistleblowing channel

Renta’s whistleblowing channel provides an opportunity to report suspected misconducts and unethical behaviour, e.g., corruption, bribery, harassment and other unethical behaviour as well as matters concerning the material scope of the whistleblowing legislation. The whistleblowing channel is not intended for processing reclamations or feedback from customers.

The whistleblowing channel is completely distinct from Renta’s IT environment and it is administrated by the external partner, Whistle B, Whistleblowing Centre AB. The reporting process is encrypted and secured to ensure whistleblower’s anonymity and data protection.

All reports will be taken seriously and are processed confidentially.

The whistleblowing channel is available online in 6 languages. You can submit a report here.

Date 15 October 2021

Privacy Policy - Whistleblowing Channel