Professionals Worth Your Trust
From day one, we have promised to be professionals worth your trust.
This means you can trust us to consistently deliver the right equipment, in the right place, at the right time.
You can also trust our local professionals to have your best interest on top of their minds and complete freedom to make the best decisions for you. We believe in the power of people, local touch, and entrepreneurial spirit.
Our local professionals can trust the strength and expertise of the whole Renta network. We are there for them when they need it.
Our way of working emphasizes openness, trust, and honor. We put people first. We are transparent. We offer simple and easy-to-use services in the way that best suits our customers.
We avoid things like unnecessary bureaucracy, unnecessary practices, and unnecessary fees. We repel bloated corporate structures, stiffness, and closed-mindedness.
We never limit creativity, common sense thinking, or good ideas. We never hide or shy away from taking responsibility.
We want to be professionals worth your future. This is the inspiration behind our sustainability approach – Renta Future.
We have zero tolerance for discrimination, unsafe behavior, and unethical practices. This is clear in our code of conduct, signed by each employee.
The very nature of our core business – renting equipment and machinery – contributes to the sharing economy, circular economy, and thus sustainable development. But we strive to do even better.
We promote low- or zero-emission rental equipment and create ways to optimize its utilization rate. In other words, we encourage the world to do more with less, which is crucial in tackling the challenges we face as a society and as a planet.
Luckily being sustainable can also mean being smart with money. So we are digging into actual real-time use of our rental fleet with our digital tools to make the right decisions at the right time. We can even remind our customers to return unused equipment to benefit them, us, and the environment. Talk about a win-win-win!
We are revolutionizing the playing field with digital technology and more intelligent processes. Not for the sake of it but to make machine rental easier for all. So now you know why our customer app is called Renta Easy.
We believe our way of working with customers makes us the most attractive rental partner in the Baltic Sea region. We also think this makes us the most attractive employer in the field.
All of this stems from our people and our culture –built on trust and honor.
This is the winning formula—the Renta Way.
Come and join us!